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testPane - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.CoopVue
testPane - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.SoloVue
testPane - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.VersusVue
TetrisBlock - Class in fr.iut.tetris.vues
TetrisBlock(int) - Constructor for class fr.iut.tetris.vues.TetrisBlock
TetrisLogo - Class in fr.iut.tetris.vues
TetrisLogo(int) - Constructor for class fr.iut.tetris.vues.TetrisLogo
text - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.HoveredButtonIcon
text - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.MenuButton
thumbColor - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.CustomSlider
thumbSpaceing - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.CustomSlider
timerCounter - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.CoopController
The main game timer ticks every 10 ms but to set adjustable times we increment the variable timerCounter by 10 and can then compare it with model.fallSpeed to seed if we should do something
timerCounter - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.SoloController
The main game timer ticks every 10 ms but to set adjustable times we increment the variable timerCounter by 10 and can then compare it with model.fallSpeed to seed if we should do something
timerCounterA - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.VersusController
The main game timer ticks every 10 ms but to set adjustable times we increment the variable timerCounter by 10 and can then compare it with model.fallSpeed to seed if we should do something
timerCounterB - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.VersusController
timerTicked() - Method in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.CoopController
timerTicked() - Method in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.SoloController
timerTicked() - Method in class fr.iut.tetris.controllers.VersusController
TINY - fr.iut.tetris.enums.Resolution
tmp - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.models.RandomBlock
tmp - Variable in class fr.iut.tetris.models.RandomLine
toBufferedImage(Image) - Static method in class fr.iut.tetris.vues.Common
Convert a normal image of type Image to a BufferedImage to be used with graphics/dye
toString() - Method in enum fr.iut.tetris.enums.Resolution
TRIPLE_LINE - fr.iut.tetris.enums.LineCompleted
TURN_LEFT - fr.iut.tetris.enums.Direction
TURN_RIGHT - fr.iut.tetris.enums.Direction
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